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Copyright Registration

Copyright refers to the rights that you can obtain over your artistic and literary works. It covers a wide range of works, including books, technical drawings, music, maps, paintings, and advertisements, among others..

What Protection does Copyright Provide??
The protection only covers expressions. It does not extend to ideas, mathematical concepts, procedures, or operation methods..

Copyright can protect the following range of works:
Literary works like novels, newspaper articles, poems, reference works, and plays. Advertisements, technical drawings as well as maps. Databases and computer programs. Architectural works. Films, choreography as well as musical compositions. Paintings, sculptures, drawings and other types of artistic works..

What are the Rights of an Author?
As far as copyright protection is concerned, an author has two fundamental rights: Economic rights that grant you the freedom of deriving financial benefits when others use your works. Moral rights that provide protection for interests that are non-economic in nature.